16 thoughts on “ETHS #39 We’re Back with Our EASTER BUNNY, LADY BUNNY, HONAY!”

  1. Im so happy you cunts are back… I LOVE EAT THIS HOT SHOW!! Im so excited i gotta go listen to now… love ya bitches..

  2. OK — this makes for a great monday. Eat this hot show is back after way too long and the guest is Lady Bunny.

    At first I thought something was wrong with iTunes when it said there was new ETHS.

    I’m pushing the play button as I write.

    Spring has finally sprung.

  3. I practically fell out when I saw your show updating last night and I had to double check to make sure it wasn’t an old show d/l’ing. Sooooo happy you’re back!

    Maybe it was the on the fly atmosphere of a public gathering and taping in a public space but it was a little tough to listen to this show. I’ve harped on this before so forgive me but a tad bit of structure imho (or maybe a strong moderator) would help and make it more engaging for the listener.

    Please please please continue putting the show out. And thank you for all that ya’ll do.


    Another wonderful listen!

    If you are going to continue rotating guests
    (and maybe a permanent spot as a host???)
    may I suggest the talented Mister Rob Lindley
    (The DAiley Purge/How Much Do We Love)?

    Thank you for making my week!!

  5. OMG OMG OMG, I love this! Great to have so many familiar voice working on one single show. MORE MORE MORE!!! Thanks for the audio pleasure today!

  6. Praise the Zombie-baby-jesus! ETHS is back in it’s full glory! I could not be happier! Please, Please, Pretty please with sugar and a twink(ie) on top please keep recording this show. It is literal happiness on a stick!

    Thank you! This show is phenom! Keep ’em coming!

  7. I’m so glad you’re back. I thought we had to go without. Does this mean you’re going semi-regular again?

    Did we lose Raygun?

  8. I, too, must express my happiness that you’re back. Please keep ’em comin’, C’MON!!

    Keep Cheryl in the mix, please, please, please. I know she’s a very busy woman, but since she hasn’t recorded her own show in a while, at least I can my fix from ETHS!!

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