Eat This Hot Show #110 A Fairy Home Companion

Today we discuss:
Stupid Americans for a change
Abortions and Planned Parenhood
Really dumb Americans
Processed food
How dumb are Americans?
Autotune shit
Stupid Bitch Contest (cont’d)
Wanda’s fucked up gym class.
Roosevelt anti-semite?



11 thoughts on “Eat This Hot Show #110 A Fairy Home Companion”

  1. I think I’ll give that opera Madge mentioned a look. Thus far, I’ve been having a hard time with cuntemporary opera, I’ve found anything more modern than the later works of Richard Strauss (go figure), the likes of Arabella, Die Schweigsame Frau and Capriccio, and Korngold’s Die Tote Stadt (one of my all-time favourites) to be rather inaccessable. But this John Adams piece sounds rather interesting.

  2. Under your “today we discuss” topics is something called “How dumb are Americans?”

    Thats exactly what I was thinking when you guys started to discuss Egypt. One of you talked about Reagan getting credit for the fall of the berlin wall and would Obama get credit for helping to bring about change in Egypt. Immediately someone said “Well, Obama never travelled to Egypt to talk about freedom, so of course he would get no credit.”


    Obama DID travel to Egypt and forcefully spoke about democracy and freedom in Egypt, he even invited members of the muslim brotherhood to hear him speak. Not only will Obama get credit for his words in the history books ONLY Obama had the credibility and temperament to do it at this time in history. Hillary Clinton or George Bush both wouldve said something extremely offensive to Mubarak during those critical 3 weeks and he wouldve dug in his heels.

  3. I wanted to bring to your attention the fact that some twisted individual posted a video of Vera and Wanda on youtube in the throws of passion. This video is malicious defaming NOT artistic expression. Someone needs to get litigious.

  4. Hi guys, I really like listening to the three of you discuss the big issues in the world along with the minutia of your everyday lives. I like the way you all respond to things according to your individual points of view. I must, however, say that it seems like lately you’ve all started to become a little more homogeneous in your political ideas, leading to less lively conversations. I don’t know, maybe I’m romanticizing your earlier shows, but those seemed to contain a lot more, I don’t know… oomph? In any case, I thought the discussions were a lot more heated, something I think makes for entertaining podcasting.

    I sometimes feel that one or another of you could always take your arguments (or “bitching,” haha) further. Other times, I feel that the similarities between two hosts (any permutation of two out of three) could be pointed out by the third host and discussed, yet that’s something you all rarely do. I don’t know if it’s because you’re not aware of the similarities among you, or because you’re all trying to not be too acerbic, so as not to get anyone too upset.

    My suggestion is this. Invite a guest, either a listener or someone else, who would be a kind of wild card, once in a while, to liven things up. I’d be willing to be involved, and I’d want nothing in return, of course (I would not expect any part of the donations, since it is YOUR show). To me, discussing topics with such interesting characters as you all are would be reward enough.

    Whether you decide to take me up on my offer or not, thanks for the entertainment!

  5. Auntie Vera, haha, as if I could. I don’t want anyone to be replaced, I want you guys to be feistier… Rosie O’Donnell and Elisabeth Hasselbeck split screen fights! 🙂

  6. But isn’t this what ETHS used to be, inbetween the split with FOF and Ragan quitting the show? Althouth I particularly enjoyed Rachel Kann guest hosting and telling (seemingly) endless stories only set apart by the declaration of her love for Wanda, I have to say that I like the current format more.

  7. John Adams is a brilliant composer. Drama and fighting are not appealing to me personally. I think that when necessary, these gals will fight but I think they’ve always been somewhat aligned politically, etc.

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